Adherence 2019


Adherence 2019 was held on June 17-19, 2019, at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel in Miami, FL, USA. Sponsored by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).

This annual series of conferences featured the presentation and discussion of HIV treatment and biomedical prevention adherence research, and current behavioral and clinical perspectives in practicum, within the context of optimizing the continuum of HIV care and prevention. Adherence 2019 also featured an implementation science track focused on closing gaps between evidence and routine practice for health in real-world settings. The 2019 conference’s Co-Chairs were Catherine Orrell, MBChB, MSc, MMed and Robert H. Remien, PhD.

HIV Center members and affiliates poster and oral presentations included:

Poster Abstracts

  • Dr. Iván Balán, presented “Fostering Adherence and Open Communication through PrEP Biomarker Feedback”.

  • Dr. Alex Carballo-Diéguez, presented “Few Aggressive or Violent Incidents are Associated with the Use of HIV Self-Tests to Screen Sexual Partners among Key Populations”.

  • Dr. Justin Knox, presented “Assessing Psychosocial Determinants of PrEP Adherence in Black MSM and TGW in a Community Clinic in Harlem Using Two Measures”.

  • Dr. Christine Rael, presented “Feasibility and Relative Efficacy of Targeted Online Strategies for HIV Study Recruitment”.

Oral Abstracts

  • Michael Hager, M.P.H, presented “Closing Evidence-to-Practice Gaps: New Jersey's Collaborative Approach to Behavioral Health Integration in HIV Settings”.

  • Dr. Alissa Davis, presented “Longitudinal ART Adherence Trajectories and Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Predictors among ART Initiators in Cape Town, South Africa”

  • Dr. Sarit Golub, presented “PrEP Adherence Self-Efficacy Scale Predicts Uptake, Persistence, and Adherence over 12 Months”.

  • Dr. Nadia Nguyen, presented “Can Self-Reported Adherence Predict ART Adherence Assessed by an Electronic Monitoring Device (Wisepill) in Resource-Constrained Settings in Cape Town, South Africa?”

  • Dr. Jason Zucker, presented “Using Individualized Provider Feedback to Improve HIV Screening in a High-Volume Emergency Department”

Dr. Peter Anderson was featured on the panel, "Assessing Treatment Adherence: Is There Something Wrong with Your Measurement?"

Conference Co-Chairs Orrell and Remien each moderated panels, "Examining Option B-Plus: Is it the Panacea We Had Hoped For?" and "Accelerated Treatment: Perspectives on Same-Day ART Prescription," respectively.

Pictured, (clockwise from top left), are Drs. Orrell and Remien, Alissa Davis, Sarit Golub, Michael Hager, Jason Zucker, and Nadia Nguyen.